Solo se completa con la Hora de forma manual, ya que los turnos no tienen que ver con las fechas, si no con las horas por jornada, por eso la entrada es de forma manual y personalizada por cada empleado…
Tal vez el error es que no debería ser formato hora?
Change the format of Horas to include the date. I want to see what the actual date is for that column instead of just the time.
I’d probably approach it differently since you are trying to store a duration in a column that is meant to hold a date and time…but without trying to change too much in your app, try this in your Diferencia math column. It will take the Lookup Horas, find the duration from midnight of the day you registered the schedule (which should result in a duration of just the hours and match your contract time), and then subtract that result from Presencia.
F A N T A S T I C O …Ha funcionado correctamente. Muchas gracias por tu paciencia y tiempo.
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