Filter/select on the entire application

Hello all,

Can anybody help me with this - I want a Filter/Select option for entire application ( if I select a country I want that on all my app pages/screens to see information only from that country ).

I know about “In-app Filter” but I can use it on each individual page/screen.



If you use a user table (usc column) to store the selection, you can filter based on that column across all your sheets/components.

Can you elaborate please.

  1. Create a user-specific column in the user table as a placeholder to store the user’s selection.
  2. Add a choice component, allowing the user to make a selection and write it to that column.
  3. Filter all relevant components/pages using a condition such as “country is user profile > country.”

Your solution is ok, but for me the country is not linked to the user but to the event (events must be filtered according to the country and you don’t have to be logged into the application to see the events).

Have you done what I mentioned above. See if it works?

I’m more of a picture examples type, not the type that uses details and/or text information. :grin:

Sorry, you may need to create a helper table. This one by @Eric_Penn is more clear.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Create a new table called the helper table (a single-row table). Add a usc column to hold input from your choice component.
  2. In all the tables you want to filter, add a single value column to pull the selected value from the helper table.
  3. On the layout side, apply filters to all components based on the value from the single value column.

thanks again. i will try.

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Are you talking about something like this How to create multi-filters on GlideApps (AND filters).pdf - Google Drive ?

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As you mentioned, your case is not a multi-filter scenario and doesn’t require such a complex process. In the example, you simply apply filtering based on the selected country name, so that all components in pages are filtered according to the corresponding data from the single value pulled from the helper table.

The key is that all tables you want to filter should have a country name column, and the single value will be used as the basis for filtering in your collection components.

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For more instructions on how to implement what @Himaladin suggested, you can check out this response from @Darren_Murphy :

You will need to create columns for fetching the filter value in each of your tables and apply visibility conditions to all of your screens.