@david See Darren’s Fetch vs. David’s Fetch here:
From my testing, both work on:
- Google Chrome on Android
- Google Chrome on PC
- Google Chrome on macOS 11
But David’s Fetch returns nothing on:
- Chrome on iOS 14
- Safari on iOS 14
- Safari on macOS 11
You mention here, you think there are Safari iOS 15 issues with the Experimental Code column. This may be true, but there is also an issue with column.sh.
Darren’s Fetch is using: https://replit.com/@darrenambles/fetch
David’s Fetch is using: https://column.sh/fetch
I’ve seen the same issue when trying to use: https://column.sh/hell-yes-code
P.S. On the admin app last week, I had to roll back the change to use https://column.sh/fetch because it stopped working the next morning.