🤗 Featured on Payhere apparently

will love to here your inputs as always

Figured it out:


It’s there a way for us to set that amount through the GDE? Just like we used to do with PayPal.

Now let’s see if they work in Israel …

Did I understood correctly? I must have stripe to use this?

More to love about Payhere - custom css for the payment form :heart_eyes:

This plus passing and disabling parameters is perfect for Glide.

Great find @Robert_Petitto


yup, a crazy zap that not only brings back data to the sheet, but sends a personalized text to the client ith their unique code.


Thinking how I can use this to have users donate to other users. It seems that payments can only be sent to my Stripe Account. I could pass the donee’s name into a Custom Field to help me identify who the donation was intended for, but that means I need then pass the payment onto them.

Each donee could setup their own Payhere and Stripe Account and input their own donation link into their profile…

Right. That’s the tricky thing. MANY of us have wished for a marketplace type functionality where users can pay other users IN APP via payment links set up/controlled by the app builder, but I have yet to see one executed successfully.


I mean I setup my Payhere and Stripe accounts and a donation link in about 10 minutes, so maybe users could do it themselves as well. Primary benefit of a marketplace is that the marketplace itself can take a % of all sales as a commission. But if its just donations, then that probably wouldnt matter. The payment costs would also be passed onto the donee vs the marketplace owner as well.

Very true

Robert, any idea how I could have a user input their URL (ex:https://app.payhere.co/business-name) and then “?customer_email=me@email.com&customer_name=MyName&disable_customer_fields=yes&custom_fields=eyJyYWZmbGVfaWQiOiAicS1XQkYtelpSMGFxaXVNRUdLZkxSdyJ9” is added to the back of it in another column, where I can then add a Template Column to feed the Doner’s Name and Email?

Column 1: User’s specific URL
Column 2: custom URL parameters
Column 3: User’s specific URL + URL parameters

I figured it out by adding an Array formula and it worked!

=arrayformula(if(O2:O="","",O2:O & “?customer_email=me@email.com&customer_name=MyName&disable_customer_fields=yes&custom_fields=eyJyYWZmbGVfaWQiOiAicS1XQkYtelpSMGFxaXVNRUdLZkxSdyJ9”))

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Template column within the builder?

This is how I did it:

Column 1: Link Column where a user can input their own donation URL via the Profile Form. (ex:https://app.payhere.co/business-name)

Column 2: In Google Sheet, I added an Array Formula which shows Empty if no link added or Concat Column 1 with Custom URL Parameters.
(ex: =arrayformula(if(O2:O="","",O2:O & “?customer_email=me@email.com&customer_name=MyName&disable_customer_fields=yes&custom_fields=eyJyYWZmbGVfaWQiOiAicS1XQkYtelpSMGFxaXVNRUdLZkxSdyJ9”))

Column 3: Template Column off of Column 2, where I replace the email and name with USER Email and Name.

I then created a Button that opens the Webview (YES IT WORKED) of Column 3. When clicked, it displayed the proper payment link and prefilled the correct name and email!

Just having a difficult time displaying the link in all related posts by user as well as their public profile. I tried to do a Relation Column where I use Author ID and Users → TemplateLink but its not allowing me to display the link.

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Make sure it’s not a match multiple relation.

:wave: Hi all!

So here’s a way to use Payhere as part of your onboarding to gate one category of users from accessing your app until they’ve subscribed either via a monthly or an annual plan:


Great service but unfortunately Payhere doesn’t work in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or any other Middle Eastern countries :sleeping:


Great video, @Robert_Petitto !

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Timing :stopwatch: is :100: as looking to build this into an app this week. Thanks :pray:

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Would Zapier instead of Integromat work with updating the Google Sheet in the same manner?

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