Excel formula Workdays

Hello, i have column with date1 and column with number of working days.
I need to calculate date2=date1+Nworking days
So result date must be after N working days (business days).

There is excel formula for this

i tried to to create column “excel formula” but workday formula not working there.

Please advice

Are you using Google Sheets or Excel as Database of your project?

If this is a GSheets, try this: WORKDAY: Google Sheets Formulae Explained

Hola @Alexey_Khrolovich

There are 2 tricks to get this (one is easier than the other):


  1. You must convert Glide date to a value using this format MM/dd/yyyy, you might use the Format Date plugin to achieve this quickly:

  2. Later, configure Excel formula plugin using a new date column. You will get a number and not a real date value due to Workday() formula in GS works in this way.

Each value shown is the number of days since Dec 30, 1899 so, you have to convert them manually (it’s the bad news :woozy_face:). GS makes the life easier because Google has the To_Date() formula to convert that number to a date but unfortunately, the Excel plugin doesn’t include this one… don’t hate please!




I finally found the missing piece to get a complete solution. To convert Numbers generated by WorkDay() formula to Dates using Excel plugin the right way is to use TEXT() formula.

Something like this can help:
TEXT(A1,"MMM dd, yyyy")


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