End-user uploads a spreadsheet that is then 'parsed' and entered into a Glide (or Progress) table

I have seen this from @Simon_Hill : Allow users to Import Spreadsheet into Glide Table via 'Import data' action

Is their a template or has someone done this before (have a user upload a CSV/Excel spreadsheet and then process it and enter the results into a Glide table ). In my case it is 5-7 columns of text data that will be ‘imported’.

And of course cover the case to only allow 500 rows max to be imported/processed so @Robert_Petitto scenario never comes to pass.



Exactly what I was looking for except I don’t know much about Javascript and Mutations :slight_smile:

I am just a nearly-no-code Glide guy :joy:


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Of course it is by @Darren_Murphy

I already consider him (and you) as part of the development team!

Have a great week!


I’m just a guy…


Yeah, it’s a bit of setup, and pretty slick, but I don’t know of a better way. There needs to be some sort of action to cause multiple rows to be added. The only alternative is that users pass the file to you and then you manually upload it through the builder, which I’m sure you don’t want to do.

which is exactly the way I am doing it today!

These have typically been larger sets of data that were in a google sheet. I had to clean up the data and then ‘paste’ it into the existing sheet. It was ‘cheaper’ to do this (from a Glide update perspective) and it was more of a one-time setup process to boot.

Now I need end-users to upload smaller lists of items (under 150 items) and they can be doing this all the time and she see result immediately (versus waiting 1-2 business days for import/processing). So I think this methodology fits the bill to start.

In the future I will need to do some straightforward pre-processing before entering them into the Glide table where Glide relations/queries do there magic.

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What plan do you have this app on? It can either be a call API action, or a Make scenario depends on what plan you have.

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Business today - Enterprise when it goes live.

I would still vouch for a Make scenario. Basically what you do over there is:

  • A HTTP module to download the file.
  • A CSV module to parse the CSV.
  • An array aggregator to aggregate based on the structure of the JSON module that comes just after. The JSON structure should follow Glide’s standard.
  • A HTTP module to batch call the API.

You don’t need the 3rd and 4th module above.


Thanks Thinh. This looks like an excellent methodology.

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I recently made something similar in Zapier as a proof of concept. The webhook from Glide includes the Glide file URL. I didn’t add the aggregation yet, but sharing now before I forget incase it helps someone in the future.

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Thanks for sharing! I always wonder how these things are handled in Zapier.