Email edit reverts after log out and login

I am editing user profile such as mobile number and email using edit screen and then click submit. I can confirm the changes by going to the User’s Table and observe the change.
What I noticed is that when I log out from the developer portal and come back in, the mobile number is changed, BUT the email reverts to the original email.
I can force the email change only by going into the User table and key in directly.
Has anyone experience such case and what is the solution?

Much appreciated.

This is expected behaviour. Glide will not allow you to change a users email or role via the UI. You must either do it via the data editor, or use the Glide API.

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thanks for clarifying this. I had that suspicion after trying many times and many ways.

Here is a video that shows how to do it via the API using the Make integration.


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