Dropdown Choice Component From Multiple Rows

Hi. Another choice dropdown question. I know for sure that dropdown choice components must obtain their data from columns and single rows. Can I transpose those rows to form columns in a new “auxiliar table”, and if yes, how can I select just a few rows af that second table? If not, is there a way that glide can use an array to populate a choice component? Thanks in advance!

You want cells to become the columns name?

You are mixing up the terms Rows and Columns,which may lead to confusion.

Rows are the horizontal arrangement of data, while columns are the vertical arrangement of data. Items that go from left to right are in a row, while items that go from top to bottom are in a column.

I understand what rows and columns are. My question is: since Glide can only populate a choice component with data coming from a single column, and in my structure those data points are in rows, is it possible to transpose those rows into columns in order to use, for example, a dropdown menu?

However, these days I tend to use the AI column more for this.

Here’s a prototype.

I’ll give it a try. Thanks!

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