Displayed text on relation 'chip' within the data section

Hi everyone,

Total newbie here with Glide, even if I have some coding experience. I have not been able to change the displayed text within the relation items/chips within the relation column in a data table. Not talking about anything related to layout.

In my screenshot, the column ‘LastTaskCreatedByUser’ is a relation of another table and it’s currently displaying one of the id fields within the source table, which is not very meaningful. I would like to specify the field to be displayed, like for example the creation date.

I haven’t found any options within the field configuration or the source table to change this. I’ve noticed that moving a column completely to the left in a source table boldens the name of the column, but doesn’t seem to impact the displayed text when the items appear in other tables as relation items.

What you see in a Relation column is just a pointer to rows in the related table. What’s displayed is mostly just a random column from those rows indicating that it found a match in the other table. If you want to see values from a specific column, then you will need a Lookup column to reference that specific column from the related rows.

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Thanks for your answer @Jeff_Hager

In other tools, like Coda, it is possible to select the field that is displayed in a relation ‘chip’. I would find it useful to do some quick validation when implementing new features or editing some data without adding additional columns that clutter the view, but I understand now there’s no such option in Glide within the ‘Data’ section.


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