Disable end-of-line hyphenation on all app text?

In both Text and Rich Text components, lines that are too long are hyphenated no matter what justification is used. End-of-line hyphenation like this is not the modern standard for text on a screen, so I’m perplexed as to why it’s the app default.

I found this option for preventing hyphenation in a single Rich Text component, but I was wondering if there was a global app-wide way to turn it off. (Other than custom CSS, which is apparently only available at the $250/month level, which is a ridiculous amount of money to pay just to get access to customizable CSS.)

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No, I don’t think there’s a way. Even on CSS, you would have to target all related classes for it to happen on an app level.

If the CSS is structured well, you should be able to add -webkit-hyphens: none; -moz-hyphens: none; hyphens: none !important; to your <body> style definitions to make the changes globally.

However, I’ve never seen a website that has end-of-line hyphenation so something has been done deliberately to enable it in the first place for Glide Apps. (In the very simplest HTML and CSS, line breaks are placed between words.) I’m not sure why that’s been done, so I guess I’ll log this as a bug.

Should we have a ticket for this @BrettH ?

Since you have another post that is categorized as a bug report about this, I will close this one.

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