Deactivate Desktop View


I would like for my app users to use the app on their mobile phone and not the desktop, is there a way to deactivate desktop view and have a message appear instead, advising users to launch the app from their mobile phone?

Are you asking because you don’t want to users see that “mobile view” on desktop?

I don’t want them to use it on desktop at all. I would rather have the app be used on mobile only, like some apps from the app store, etc.

I already have the auto open for desktop view enabled, but the function of the app is better suited for mobile use only.

I don’t believe that’s possible. You have to remember that Glide is a web app, so essentially it’s going to work on any device that’s running a supported browser.


Gotcha, then the desktop view needs alot of work. It’s difficult for me to use, so I can only imagine for users who are seeing this screen for the first time. I have a list of fixes already.

My suggestion is disable the desktop/tablet option, this way users will be “forced” to download on their phones once they open in that mobile view. People needs to get used to it, I feel you

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Actually, just to be clear - you can disable “desktop mode” (pro feature, I think). But you can’t prevent a user opening the app in a desktop browser.


Yea, I guess that might be their next thought if they see the display of a phone. I had that first then thought it might be confusing.

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Yes, I had it disabled before as well. thanks.

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Another thing I would like to do is change the text for ‘Show FullScreen’ to ‘Enable Desktop View’ or something similar. For some reason, the show full screen is not connecting well for some users. This is for another app, where the desktop view is useful.