Date Math - comparing today to a certain date with a dynamic year

Hey, that worked!, but maybe not in the way you think it worked. I think it exploits a bug that I remember from a while back and described below. When I typed in ‘X’ it defaulted to a random text column so it didn’t see the template as a date. When I typed in ‘Date’, it defaulted to a date column. That flipped the math column into a date style column. I was able to switch it back to ‘X’ and still keep it as a date column. So it does work…but it’s a little scary if it will keep working in the future, but I might go with it for now. I do think we still need a way to dynamically piece together or manually type in a date into a math column and have it recognized as a date for use in date math. Something like wrapping text with DATE() to have it converted within the math formula.