Creating an audio conuseling app

I’m trying to develop an app where people can login using social accounts, leave voice recorded questions and a group of experts could answer them in private or make them public so other users could listen to them. It could be like a professor with the students or a psychologist with patients. Is it possible with Glide? Also, people can vote, like or rank questions and answers. I hope you guys get what I need, if not please ask me for more explanation.
Thanks and regards, Carlos

Most of that should be possible, except the social login part. The only form of SSO that Glide currently supports is Google.

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What would you use for the audio part?

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Thanks for your response, we can manage that, Google is fine

Thanks for your response.
Students record audio questions either public or private and teachers answer them.
Same thing for Patient - Psychologist, Pastor - Congregation, etc.

Yeah, great idea. Dutch friends of my have something like this for a broad audience:

But I was wondering how @Darren_Murphy would record the audio. I assume you want people to be able to do that from within the Glide app.

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Sorry, hadn’t given that any thought.
Not something I’ve looked at, but I’m not aware of any way you can record audio using Glide. So I imagine you’d need to record an audio file outside of Glide and then upload using a file picker.

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Hi @erwblo ,
do you know if there is any news on the audio recording front? Not with native components I mean … maybe thanks to some integration service that works? Widgets you have experienced …? Or whatever else …

I have a client who would like to integrate voice note recording, but I see it hardly feasible at the moment.

Sorry for late reaction. I’m afraid no news!

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No problem dear. Thanks anyway