I want to add a choice column but it only allows me to select from a type column of my underlying tab but not from a lookup-column from that tab
Yes this is normal.
Because when adding a choice component, you want to set the display text, the value when selected and an image. This is why it only works with relation, query and direct tables.
Thanks Maxime - your quick reply is very much appreciated.
Frankly, I am not sure if I understand.
I do have a data set with exercises and three categories for each of them.
What I want to build is an interface that allows me to select first cat1 and then based on the selected cat 1 value the remaining cat 2 (and finally the same for cat 3).
So the remaining cat 2 values are basically the filtered set based on my cat 1 selection.
I have been able to add a choice column for cat 1.
But for cat 2 i added a further column in my tab that looks up every cat 2 based on my selection.
Given that I wanted to add now another choice component that is linked to the entries in that “Lookup Column” but it simply does not appear when I try to edit my choice component
You can’t use a Lookup column as the source of a collection. You can only use a Table, Relation, or Query.
If all you are trying to do is filter your choice component items, just set the filter. You don’t need extra columns in your table. You can filter by the Screen Value of other components on the screen.
I think you mean a choice component here
In this case, yes, just filter the choice components. If you can’t do the suggested things above and still want a lookup, do this.
My mistake