Lots of useful info and links shared in this community! When you click a link here, it opens in current tab. Not sure if it drives anyone else nuts but since I keep the community open in a tab all day, I find myself reopening the tab many times each day or using the back button. Can you set the links to open in a new tab?
just cmd+click?
Yup, this works but it’s still a lot of clicks over time. I think it’s a one checkbox setting for Glide to change it.
Again same request i too want but didn’t bother to raise. I think your feature Requests defaults to mine as well
Haha! I know there are bigger fish to fry but this literally impacts everyone in the community positively and is a one tick box for Glide team!
I don’t know if it’s the same for anyone else, but I always use the middle click action to open things in a new tab, and this extension to force open it immediately instead of having to click the tab for it to show up.
On Windows I use the right click option drop-down.
That and my poor memory is why I have over fifty tabs open all the time. Ha.
Thank you for enabling new tab for opening links in threads - just noticed this is DONE!