Choice / Date component - Need your help

Hi Gliders community,
I need help with Choice / Date component as my entire appointment app hinges on being able to have users select & reserve available dates & available hours.
My dilemma is on how I can get / read or pass the selected date value from either a “Choice Component” or “Date Component” so that I can populate the “Time Choice component” with the available hours.

To elaborate more:
If the user selected 20/1/2020 then the “time choice component” will only be populated with the available hours for the date 20/1/2020. Then How do I capture both values i.e. Selected Date & Selected time to use

Using the attached example, you could use column B for your list of dates in a choice component, then once a date is selected, use a filter to filter times on True/False availability and Selected Date.

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