Change Font Style?

Hi all,

I just wanted to know if it’s possible on Glide to change the font style used? I found this article (🔠 New Font Styles!) that indicates that we would have the choice between 4 different font styles, but when I go to my settings, I don’t see any that concerns the font style, is that normal?

Is there a way to change the font style of my app ? Thanks in advance !


That announcement is 3 years old, and applied to the old Classic Glide Apps.

With the current Apps that option doesn’t exist.

Oh okay, thanks for the answer !

So actually there is no way to change the font style of an app in Glide, that right ?

Well, there are a couple of options.

If you have a Business or Enterprise Plan, then you have access to Custom CSS. So you could potentially use this to modify font styles.

The other option would be to use inline styling with Rich Text components. But this would be very limited - you couldn’t for example change the text style in anything other than a rich text component.


I see, thanks for the answer !

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