Change button color in pages

If I use background color on the CSS class of the button block it changes this way
How do I change the color of the buttons themselves?

This Doesn’t exist in button block.
I need it in a container with a background image so I cant use a new container for single buttons.

Can you please tell me if i’m missing anything simple here?

Sorry, I’m not the best person to ask about this.

I think @Robert_Petitto has done a bit with CSS in Pages, so he might be able to help.

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To do CSS in pages, you have to be on a business plan, or you can create your own buttons using HTML.


I am on the business plan. its just odd that I can choose colors in the regular button component but not in block buttons.
would like to get help with the CSS

Try to use Rich text component with action
Inside four split container

div style=“display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(200px, 1fr)); gap: 12px;”>
div style=“padding: 12px 16px 40px 16px; border-radius: 12px; background: skyblue; color: white;”>
div style=“font-size: .875rem; opacity: .7; margin-bottom: 6px;”>Назначен
div style=“font-size: 1.6rem;”>275


Can I please have the CSS code for copy?

div style=“display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(200px, 1fr)); gap: 12px;”>
div style=“padding: 12px 16px 40px 16px; border-radius: 12px; background: skyblue; color: white;”>
div style=“font-size: .875rem; opacity: .7; margin-bottom: 6px;”>Назначен
div style=“font-size: 1.6rem;”>275

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Actually you don’t need the grid wrapper if you place those divs inside a Container component. You just need a «button» itself.

<div style="padding: 1rem; background-color: white; color: black;">Button</div>


Игорь, у Вас новый ник в этом чате!
Спасибо за кнопки!

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Oops) Forgot about
border-radius: .75rem; text-align: center;

В этом чате всегда такой был) Это после автоматической регистрации через гугл, поменять никак нельзя)

or you can make it pretty :wink:

<div style="
padding: .8rem; background-color: red; color:white;
border-radius: .75rem; text-align: center;
box-shadow: 1px 1px 9px grey;
<b>Button 1</b>