Cards View - See All - Breadcrumbs function


I am currently working on a collection list in the card view. The list items are sorted by a variable. Only the top 4-5 items from the list are shown per variable. (lets call this “start-view”)

You can select “see all” to see all the variable items. (lets call this “variable view”)
When I click “see all” and then select one of the variables, I get to the “detailed view” for this particular item.

When I then use the breadcrumb on the left top corner, I would expect to end up at the “variable view” again. However, I get back to the “start-view”.

Is there any way to change this?
Your help is highly appreciated.

I think this is a ‘feature’ of Glide and not a bug.

I agree the behavior should be after you click into a detail and ‘go back’ Glide SHOULD bring the user back to ‘where they were when clicking on detail’.

But Glide doesn’t, it returns you back to the ‘top’ of the screen.

I am pretty sure their is a Feature Request for this.


I think this is what you are looking for…correct?

I think this might be slightly different scenario. ‘See All’ takes you to an intermediate screen, and I think @Felix_Bachle1 is saying that the breadcrumb takes you back to the main list instead of the See All list.


Could this possibly be avoided by replacing the native ‘See All’ button with a custom one and follow up with the appropriate navigation settings?

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I was thinking that too, but I think it’s complicated with the fact that grouping is applied, so it’s a See All for each group in a single collection.

Would work though if each group was split up into individual filtered collections. Probably the route I would go if the See All functionality was crucial and the number of groups was static.

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Thanks for all your answers!

If I replace the collection by several filtered collection, I can’t search anymore, which is an important feature at the moment. More important than the see all function.

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