Pretty much the title, I cant add 2 look up columns to one math column. I want to create a general dashboard.
Are you trying to do this via a relation/query, or by directly targeting the Math columns?
The values in those lookup columns are arrays, so you can’t add them directly.
Do they come via a relation?
If yes, then you should make the relation a single relation, then you will be able to add them in a math column.
I’m sorry but I’m a bit new to glide. What do you mean by coming via relation?
They are rollups columns from other spreadsheets.
In your screenshot, you’re showing two lookup columns that either is pointing to a whole column in another table, or is on top of a multiple relation.
Do you mean to point it to a whole column, or should it be used in tandem with a relation?
No they are not. They are lookup columns.
Do you mean that you are targeting a rollup column with a lookup column?
It would be useful if you could show us how one of those lookup columns is configured, so we can get a better understanding of what you have.
Regardless, you have two lookup columns that are both returning arrays (that’s what the bubble around the value means), and you cannot sum arrays. I’m guessing that you probably need to replace those lookup columns with Single Value columns, but I can’t say that for sure as I don’t know how they are currently configured or what they are referencing.
Look, i’ll try to be more clear.
Each lookup columns are showing the values (relation?) of two different rollup columns. But these results are coming in as arrays, instead of just replicating the entire column. my objective is to just replicate the values of those rollup columns so I can add them together through the math column.
Okay, thank you.
Here is one way to get what you want:
- Use a Make Array column to create a Single Array from the two Lookup columns
- Use a Rollup->Sum that targets the Make Array column
Thank you very much, Darren and ThinhDinh! And sorry for the inconvenience.
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