Can I connect my own Firebase app to send notifications?

Is it possible to use fire base in your glideapp if yes,how.

What do you want to do with Firebase in your Glide app?

@david for notifications

Any ideas @Wiz.Wazeer @Robert_Petitto @ThinhDinh @Mark

But you have now for push notifications. What other notifications have you on mind?

Leaving notifications aside
How can you link your glideapp to firebase @Wiz.Wazeer

But your query was in connection with notification. On firebase…you cannot install what is already installed on your app. Glide Welcome screen, sign in…etc already connected to Firebase. If you have a mobile app that you are constantly updating and want the updates to be available real time to your clients, Glide already does that for you, one of the main reasons mobile app comp. use Firebase.

Why dont you create a free account. Explore it a little?

I amconfused

@Wiz.Wazeer how do i get to see my app on firebase

Glide has the password. You would have to ask the Glide leaders.

@david please can i have it

You can search all of Glide’s features in our Support Hub:

If you don’t find the feature there, we don’t have it.

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Ok thanks a lot @david

@david it is not there

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Right, so we don’t have it.
