Button behaviour - more than one action?

I’ve been ‘playing’ with this for a few days, i’m a UX design consultant and ex bubble user. Conscious that i could be doing something wrong but wanted to ask about button behaviour. Can a button do more than one thing?. Ie increment, perhaps to control visibility and then perform an action ie go back to the previous ‘page’ Ive encountered this ‘issue’ in a few places which seems to force the user to select an additional action when the user journey would be much simpler and smarter if we could envoke this for them.

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Alas no. And it’s a shame. But right now a single “action” only as far as I’m aware. You may have played with Adalo where multiple actions are available?

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Hi, thanks - i wonder why not ? I think Glide has so much potential although I do seem to spend a lot of time looking for workarounds. Not aware of Adalo, i’ll take a look.

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I think it is in there plan. Hopefully within the next couple of months.


Adalo has arguably more functionality but, and it’s quite a big but, you can struggle to create an app with anything like the speed and the “beauty” of Glide. Furthermore the pace of Glide development and the depth of the community are also big pluses. Generally somebody will know how to help and be very willing to.


Yeah, we definitely need this. I’m not worried about when Glide does this, because they are faster than a formula one racer.


Yep, I can recall Adrianne speaking about this in one of her posts where Antonio also jumps in to ask about actions we want with button. They call this “workflow”.