Building my first no code app (interactive)

Where should i start if I want to do the following: Ask for user inputs (like Height, Weight etc); Do a calculation to calculate a metric based on these inputs; Categorize the person’s health level based on the value of this metric and then give health recommendations based on the category.

Create a helper table:

  1. Create an empty table.
  2. Add a single row.
  3. Delete existing columns
  4. Create columns you need (e.g.: Height, Weight, etc.), but with the “user-specifics” option checked.
  5. Add columns for your calculations. These are called computed columns. There are a bunch of them. I would recommend the math column if you know the algorithm to do.
  6. You could also use AI columns if you need automated thinking or processing.
  7. You could use other tables of data information that you would prefill to view, categorize the person’s health level and give recommendations.
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Thanks! this got me started! I am now stuck at a step where I need to build 4 categories based on a calculated column being <82 or between 82-91 or between 92-98 or >98. I am unable to figure out a nested if-then-else that can let me put a condition of 82-91 or 92-98 … any suggestions?

What is the config of you if then else column until now?

Can i upload a screenshot?

For now I am using a partial workaround as follows:

If GNRI <82 then High Risk
If GNRI>98 then No Risk
Else Moderate or Low Risk

Ideally I should be able to write:
If GNRI <82 then High Risk
If GNRI between 82-91 then Moderate Risk
If GNRI between 92-98 then Low Risk
If GNRI>98 then No Risk

If GNRI > 98 Then 'No Risk'
ElseIf GNRI >= 92 Then 'Low Risk'
ElseIf GNRI >= 82 Then 'Moderate Risk'
Else 'High Risk'


If GNRI < 82 Then 'High Risk'
ElseIf GNRI <= 91 Then 'Moderate Risk'
ElseIf GNRI <= 98 Then 'Low Risk'
Else 'No Risk'

Yes you can upload screenshots.


Thanks Jeff! I didnt find the ElseIf option in the if-then-else function?

Each case is an ElseIf. Try the first case. ELSE, IF that failed, try the second case. ELSE, IF that failed, try the third case. ELSE, return a default value when all other cases fail.

Set up each case block exactly how I showed in my IF statements. Don’t worry so much about terminology. The first IF condition that is true will return that associated value and leave the IF statement.


If those pieces of info are supposed to be in your Users table, you can add the Height, Weight, etc. columns in your Users table and proceed with the calculations above.

Thanks Jeff, it worked!

Maxime, Jeff, Thinh, thank you for your suggestions! The logic works now!! Tomorrow I will spend some time on the UI :slight_smile:

Here is the link to the app:

I will like to add a userID that is autocreated based on timestamp of someone entering the data; as well as see how we can get the Recommendation come up as a pop-up response once the inputs are entered … with improved readability



looks like the above link was not working … sharing again for feedback:

My data from different sources are not syncing … so if I enter data from desktop i don’t see it when I access it on the App on my phone …

these are supposed to be user inputs

I was thinking your app would be a private app, and each user will have their height/weight tied to their profile. In that case, you build your calculations within the user’s row.

In this case, it seems like you have a form on a public app. That would write the data to a new table, and in that case you build your calculations in that destination table.

What sources are you using?

Your app is public, if you want a userID, would it be private?

By sources, I meant: when i am using the app from different phones/ machines then the table doesnt remember the data entered from another machine/ phone. For example, if i enter a data point wiht height = x, weight = y from my phone and access the app from my imac then i dont see the data entered from the phone.

By userID, I am referring to just a unique way of identifying a row … i thought of timestamp since that could be unique … we can also use something like a serial number

How do i add a ‘ReadMe’ message on the landing screen?

It’s the behaviour of a user-specific column if you have a public app.

It persists if you have a required login setting.

So you would use the ID in something downstream?

What landing screen are you talking about? Is it the Sign In screen or a tab you created?

Since this is a POC, i have a setup that doesnt need signin … hence the app link directly goes to a screen where the user needs to input the user data … however adding a ‘ReadMe’ will help the user to understand what to do … NutriApp

I think you either add it on the top of this collection.

Or add a hint in this form.