Hi gliders!
I am going to use Quickchart to get a linear chart
Y axis - some values from a few different users, displayed by different colors?
X axis - dates.
Unfortunately i did not found how to make this by Glide, so use Quickcgart.
some users do not have Valuse in some dates.
It’s mean i need to put into Quickchart sets of Values, including empty ones, e.g. “23,36, ,45,38, ,43”.
But how can we get such list of values, including empty elements?
Relation returns ONLY mutched elements, whithout dates when User does not have Value.
Thank you in advance
Use a template column with a default set of values, and then pass that to quickchart when the relation is empty.
Thank you for your fast answer, @Darren_Murphy!
Seems you offered right way for general use case.
But set of dates is not predefined.
We have Values Table (UserID, Date, Value) and User Table.
Dates in Values Table are not predefined - each time there could be new Dates in new rows.
So the default set of dates will be not predefined in advance, it will be different on the right side by new dates added.
last week there were Values for Nov 10, Nov 17.
And this week there are Values for Nov 10, Nov 17, Dec 02.
How do you recomend to solve this?
And what should be inside such Template Column in this case?
Thank you very much 
Is your chart always for a fixed date range? eg. is it always 7 days, or 14 days, or whatever?
I guess I would use a Helper Table, with one row for each of the date points in the chart. Then dynamically generate the list of dates, and use those to build queries/relations to my data. At that point, it would be easy to insert placeholder values where there is missing data.
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