Hi there,
iOS makes up a relatively low percentage of devices in the world market. I can assume Glide can access the data on the percentage of devices are using iOS in the Glide software?
Further to this, Glide’s business model has evolved to be more focused towards B2B or at least geared away from high traffic social style Apps. Would this not mean that push notifications not functioning for iOS would only inconvenience a minority of people who pay for Glide paid subscriptions? If true, then why disadvantage the majority of paying customers? It was working wonderfully for us.
I can understand that there’s a race on for the lead in AI and Workflows but without basic App features like notifications, what defines the difference between a Glide App and a website besides being able to install it on your device?
Apple are not relaxing their requirements, the opposite is true. So exploring alternatives for a solution within Glide might be the best way forward. Have you explored Foreground In-App Notifications? (When the App is being actively used)
Can’t recall seeing this many votes for a deprecated feature in this community. Or any feature.