Booking App with Glide

Hi there,

I’m trying to build a simple booking app for hotel rooms with Glide. I’m working with the new built-in Glide Tables at the moment. I could also switch to Google Sheets if that would be helpful.

I have the rooms in one table and the bookings in another related table. Now I would like to show the availability for one room in a calendar or – if that’s not possible – in a simple list (e.g., for the following week). By selecting an available date from the calendar (or list), I would then like to link to a booking page.

I’m sure I will get to follow-up questions with the buy button etc., but for now, that’s the thing I’m trying to solve.

I’m not really sure where to start. I played around with math columns, filters, and so on, but I think my main problem is that I need to show entries on the screen (available days) that are not there in the table (only booked days). Do you have any suggestions?

Thank you!

Didn’t I see this in Upwork?

To keep things simple, and if you’re willing to integrate a third party solution, I would recommend Calendly.

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Nope, at least not from me :slight_smile:

Yeah I also figured out that this might be too much to build by myself. I’m testing different SaaS booking solutions now that I can integrate into my basic app. Thanks for the comment!