I believe there isnt the possibility to have background images in other screens like there is on Sign In, right?
You’re right.
Si la e visto en otras plantillas pero no sé cómo se hace
I think there it is still NOT possible.
Can you please show me where can I find those “plantillas”?
Muchas gracias.
No, they simulate a background image with a succession of image, the same way they simulate button with images.
Yes I understand.
So definitely it is a feature request.
What you can do is add images, and have those images as links to your other tabs or sheets.
That way you have a pretty cool UX.
I don’t understand Portuguese but it look like this guy figured out a way to have background images on the apps.
I have not tried it myself yet.
Html is officially not supported, so it might anytime disappear.
Too bad!
We had a discussion about this in another thread and used the same code, please be aware that the image you input will be automatically cropped to a certain size and won’t be a full one.
Great idea, thank you for sharing!
Does anyone have a cheatsheet with markdowns to format images and colors etc?
I usually use this: https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet
Thanks @ThinhDinh. I’ll be using it as well.