I understand that you can log out by clicking on log out and that the app will recognize the user and stay logged in, BUT, we have 600 employees and would really like to design a “Staff Portal” for them where they can access all our updates, news and electronic documents in one place. The only challenge is that the info that would be placed on the app will be for employees only and at least 1 phone is lost or stolen per week. We can of course remove the employees name from list, but they don’t always notify us when they have lost their phones. It would be great if an employee could be logged out automatically every time they close the app.
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Friend, how can this help to have an automatic log out?
Help me to understand please
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I was thinking about this.
However later in that same thread David said it’s not quite related so please ignore my previous post
Thank you for trying!! I guess this isn’t a feature yet, so we’ll just try and work around it until it becomes available, hopefully!