I have a table with order items and a table with orders
The order items table have the columns order, name and numbers
I need to create a json like below.
I find it hard to create the array using JSON columns - but maybe it isn’t actually possible?
I can create a relation (match multiple) to get all the orderItems - and I lookup a json objects like
“numbers”: 3
The lookup’ed column (the above json object) is then transformed by a joined list
Then a template column to add square brackets around the joined list
It seems like when I go down the template column road then json data columns cannot be used to create the final json.
I have tried different ways which can be seen in this demo app:
(FinalJsonNotWorking1, FinalJsonNotWorking2 - yeah, they are not working)
Is there a way to get the json created without using template column - and just using JSON columns.
Final json
“company”: “MyCompany”,
“order”: 1010,
“numbers”: 3
“numbers”: 2
I haven’t tried it myself but did you do it the same way as in this video?
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I would definitely have a look. Thx
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You can try pointing the orderItems variable straight at the lookup, instead of doing this.
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@ThinhDinh Well your suggestion worked! Cool.
So you just need to have an array of values (like from a multiple relation). Good to know
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Yeah, that’s what they rolled out a while ago and it’s much easier than creating template columns
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