Are there any Glide Developer job opportunities, internships, or paid plan teams for beginners to join?

Hello, are there any Glide Developer job opportunities, internships, or paid plan teams for beginners to join? I already have Glide and Make certifications up to the intermediate level and can send you the detail in resume. Please let me know if you have any. Have a great day ahead, and thank you.

You can view job openings here :

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Thank You @MaximeBaker:smiley:

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My pleasure!

I assume the poster might mean job opportunities for a Glide developer role, I think you’re linking to job openings for the Glide team itself.

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Yes @ThinhDinh , I am looking for opportunities (jobs/internships) as a Glide Developer and also applying for the mystery flavor role at Glide. I think working as a Glide Developer or becoming a mystery flavor that strengthens the Glide team, both would be very interesting. :smiley:

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I believe V88 is also hiring.

(@V88 , @Oscar_V88)


Thank You @ThinhDinh

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Thank You @nathanaelb

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