AI Component Frustration

I need a time selector only component so my sales reps can enter the preferred start time of a job and the preferred end time of a job. I tried to build it via an AI component and it is not working at all I gave it pretty simple instructions and followed Thinh Dinh’s video on this option.

I notice it works and allows the user to set the value if there is no field attached, but the second I enter data it breaks.

See Screen recording the first option chosen I have data in my AI component and it flips back to 5am no matter what I choose, but if I remove the data option it works exactly as expected.

I don’t want it to set the values until the submit button is clicked because there is obviously no record created yet.

Try not to click on the delete.

Use a form container or a helper table.

Make sure to tell the ai to use the display text as the value for the input. Give it a list of choices and also a column to save to.


I noticed you haven’t tied it to any fields. I think you have to add the field you want to write to in the “data” part. Try that, enter and see if it works better.


Try pointing to the fields first, and then prompting the AI.

If you notice, when I select 10:30 AM the value pops back to the first offered value and I DO have the field set at that point. I tried it with setting the field and prompting the AI together and it has the same outcome as it does if I add the field after prompting it. I did the screen record showing me deleting the field so you could see the difference between how it responds with the field in the data area vs without it.

But AI is always pointing to same fields, you can’t change the DataBase source Tables like Collection component. Why not allow AI to select the Collection component, or change the Datasource and later add the fields?
I can’t use at this time because AI can’t reach my tables.

I assume this is what you need.


Create a dropdown component that allows users to pick a time-only value, going from 0AM to 11:30PM in 30 minutes increment. Name the title with the “Title” variable and write the value to the other connected variable.

Make sure you sort the options correctly, and write the value as is.

Use the full width of the container.

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