Would you know how I can go about with this problem. I added multiple activities, I have two button. Time In and Time Out. I want to add the current date and time for in and out for the item selected in the table.
What happens is the data only goes in the first row
You have to use a webhook workflow to set values to multiple rows (I assume you want this), but you are on a Free plan and don’t have access to that though.
The procedure would be:
Add a webhook workflow, copy its URL and token.
Add a user-triggered action with a Call API module, POST the sending time in, time out and list of rowIDs related to the viewing item, add the URL and Authorization token.
Query out the variables on the webhook side.
Loop through the activities table, filter out rows that have their rowID included.
Set the queried variables to the right columns in the looped rows.
Oh I see this cannot be done with the free version. I am trying to make a prototype so that I can justify the purchase but I guess some feature needed would still be in the paid version already.
Yes you are correct, I would like to add multiple activity, then using the toggle switch button at the side, the data for the time in and time out button would directly go to that activity/row data.
An adjustment to my comment above: You can also use Trigger Webhook, not just Call API, to trigger Glide’s webhook workflow. Trigger Webhook is available on Maker.
If you can identify the two rows you are using before going into this screen then create a column in 'row 1" that reference ‘row 2’. You reference the second row within the first row (the one associated with this screen) and as long as you can identify the row you want to update within the row attached to the screen - you can do a Set Column Value to it.