Add variants to a products

Hey all, I have a product that sometimes has different sizes and colors. I’m trying to display all the variants on the product detailed page, but I’m having some issues. I have posted my products below in a spreadsheet. Originally, I wanted the “title” column to group products with different size and color, but then I realized that my title is not always the same. So I created another column called “group ID” and this column is the one that groups the various products with different sizes and colors together. But I’m just having issues on how to implement this. Any ideas? Thanks

How do you want this to look on the screen?

Do you want:

  • a single list of all products, but grouped by your GroupID, or
  • a list of Product Groups, with the ability to drill down and view products within that group, or
  • something else?
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Hey Darren, Sorry for the late reply. I’ve been busy the whole week. I think I want a single list of all products grouped by my group id. For example, if I’m selling “men’s shirt” that is also available in red, blue, yellow, on the main page i want a list of the variants for that shirt. So i want to see red men’s shirt, blue men’s shirt, and yellow men’s shirt. And when i click on any of them, then in the details page i want my customers to see the variants for that products of red,blue,yellow. I dont know if i explained well. let me know what you think