Add a value in a specific Row

Here my first post! and … it’s a call for help!

I want to “click on a button” and fill a specific predefined row.

I have a table with predefined id column already filled out.
When the user clicks the button, he should be adding information to the row of his id.

Is this possible? What kind of information can I provide to be more specific?
Thank you very much!

Stating your use probably makes it easier for people to answer your question, so your use can be used rather than a made up example that may or may not be close to what you’re looking for.

But here’s an example that might answer your question"

Lets say you have table for “Cubicles” and each user has a cubicle that is theirs. You want them to be able to tap a button that updates a datetime column for “Checked into cubicle.”

For that, we want the button’s action to be “Set column values.” And then we need to set the row to the row of their Cubicle. How do you do that? Depends on where this button is. If you’re on the details screen of that button, then it’s simply “this item” and then set “Checked into cubicle” to be Current datetime.

If you’re anywhere else, you need a relation to that row. You can put that relation in the source sheet of the screen you’re in, or put it in the users table. The users table is often the best place, because then you can set column values to the related row from anywhere. So, make a relation in users table were user id/email is the same as the cubicle owner id in the cubicle table.

Then on your button, under user profile you’ll see the rel for the cubicle row.

  1. Create a single relation column from the table with the “predefined ID” the table with the table with the matching ID
  2. Add a button with a Show Edit Screen where the “data” field points to the relation column.

Thank you Mathew!
It was late, and I thought my brains were overcomplicated everything so i decided to keep the question as simple as possible, but I understand that it was missing some context.
And thank you for you example!

So what i’m trying to do, is to automate the registry of time for a school that still is using paper for filling the schedulle and hours worked. So our thoughts were how can we automate the filling of those documents, taking days of work out of the coordinator, that has to compile all those documents in a single excell file, and then make calculations for individual payments, and she even have to crossover with notes that she took from requests for schedule changes…

So we thought that we could automate:
1- Time registry for all colaborators
2- Hour sum fer user
3- Comparing sheduling with the real time.

So we decided to have a table called schedule, where we have all the entries for a month, each user has a row per day.

So what we are trying to find out how to do it, is:

  • when the user clicks a button, it opens an overlay, where he inserts his id, and his password, and based on that information, it unlocks the registry component,
    In his component, he can click on a specific button that will indicate what type of registry is, but there is 8 different options, and each is related with a specific column, crossed with a specific row with a date and id.

I dont know if we are takcling the problem the easiest way, but I’d love to learn more how to solve this more complex challenges! Thank you

Hmm… So in essence, you want the app to have employees’ work schedules in the app (added by some admin), and have the employees be able to submit these schedules for approval (by approving each day as it was originally scheduled, or by editing the original schedule with the actual hours worked.) Sounds like you could also make requests for schedule changes go through the app too.

That sounds right?

What are the 8 different options about?

At first thought I don’t like the idea of having the schedule inputted with one row for each user for each day. Seems like not only would that consume a lot of rows, but would also be a pain to enter and approve.

I also don’t like the idea of them entering an ID and password to unlock their registry component as that wouldn’t actually be secure. Rather, you’d want to have employees login to the app, and use row owners to keep each individual employees schedule and pay private to only themselves and the admin(s).

I think before deciding exactly how to structure your data, it’d be best to really think through the ideal user experience.

Entering of initial schedule:
Who’s entering the schedule initially? Is it consistent from week to week (besides vacation and time off requests) or is it always changing? Do you want them to be able to enter and edit in app, or keep their existing spreadsheets for managing the standard schedule?

Viewing schedules:
Do you want employees’ schedules to be visible only to themselves (and admins) or also to other employees? For admins viewing employee schedules… is it ok if they can only view a calendar with the schedule of one employee at a time, or must the calendar show the schedules of all employees at the same time? How many employees should the app be able to manage?

Schedule change requests:
Are these just going to admin to approve/deny, or might they be going to other employees in the case of looking for someone else to take their shift?

Thinking through these questions will help you decide how to best structure the data. Some ways will be more compact, easier to enter schedules, and cost less updates to run. Other ways may be simpler in design but more tedious to to enter schedules, use more rows and cost more updates, but allow greater flexibility in viewing lots of data at once.

Overall it sounds like a fun project, and definitely a great use of Glide!


Oh my god! I’m amazed by the time you took tto real care, and give a toughtfull answer! Thank you.

Unfortannely I cannot use user logins, because the client dont have a business email, and their policy doesnt allow users to use their personal email. So I’ve got a id number that represents the user login, and a password, just to validate that each user uses his own id.

This solution is 95% for the coordinator and 5% the user, so the only thing that users do is to choose an option:
1- register morning entry
2- register morning out
3- register lunch entry
4- register lunch out
5- register evening entry
6-register evening out
7- Physical education
8- Other classes

I’ve made my math for a month full and we’re still bellow the PRO count, so it´s not a big deal for me. I’m thinking in adding a full month because I believe it’s easier to replace data monthly.

For the user I would want a minimal interaction, so an action of creating a row with the information needed it was our first choice, but the number of rows would mutliply by a lot, because I have users that have to register 8 times per day, in all the different options.

The schedule is created by the admin and then imported to the glide in the same structure. the schedule is consistent and only slighty alterations will be made, skiping a turn, or changing a specific hour in a day, but I’ll leave that option only for the coordinator to see.

The schedulle in only visibile by the coordinator. The app will only have 3 users, the admin (that supervises the use) the coordinator that sees all the info and manages the solution daily, and the user that inserts registries.

the user askes the coordinator for a change and the coordinator changes it in the aplication, so the user hours is apllyed correctly.

Thank you a lot for the questions, it allow me to think about the purpose, and the reason of why we are doing this. I’m still going to try the solution that you gave me and I’ll be glad to share it with you!

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