Accumulating Points

I am wanting to build a simple app for my school where we can add and track house points. This is something that all staff members might be adding points to throughout the day at any given time. I also want them to be able to ‘view only’ the point totals for each house. I tried using the Number Entry field, but since that is editing and pulling directly to the sheet, I fear there is too much opportunity for the number to get deleted and then lost. Is there a way to have a button that would just add a point each time it is pressed?

Here is a link to a copy of my sheet

You should make a sheet called Awards where new points are created as new rows. Then use formulas to sum up these points on a per-house basis.

@Cody_Wheeler Take a look at this post. I think what @Christie_Orich-Matth is doing is somewhat similar to what you may also be doing.

I’m going with what @david said above. Works great!

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Great. You may want to take a look at what Christie did however as it may give you some ideas on what other teachers are doing for rewarding students.

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Another thing that Christie did was to allow teachers to award points to a team of students (up to 5) so the teachers would not have to add the points for each one individually. That did result in a pretty convoluted formula in the sheet but will save a bunch of time for the teachers when rewarding points for group efforts. There is also a link in that thread to a pretty interesting teacher in Canada that has a lot of information about “Gamification” of learning. It may be worth your time looking into it.

Not to point to a ‘competitor’. But my school uses ClassDojo for this. Quite successfully.

This future function may help.

This is what I was thinking as well. Have a button for a form that auto submits variables defined by the app creator. As for house points, here’s a demo of one I was working on:

Only thing I’m trying to figure out is how to have an inline list that CANT be clicked upon.

Looking at your House points app. Would that be editable with our own houses names etc…? And if we are just wanting house points and not individual students will this work? We are looking to total them each week and keeping them for a quarter and then starting points over.

For sure! You can customize with your own house names, images, etc. I’ve even helped other users add photo galleries and other feature requests. At the end of each quarter, you could just clear the sheet to start fresh or if you wanted to keep the legacy data, I could build a way for the value to simply check if it’s the current quarter and update the display appropriately.

Ok I purchased your app. Where is the best place to go to get information on how to customize it? Should I be able to figure it out pretty easily?

Ok I’ve worked on this and have made most of the changes I want although still struggling some with the images. But I can’t figure out how to get the points to add and total? I’m sorry feeling really helpless right now.

Want to book a time with me today to discuss?

Today is a bad day for me. I’m going to continue to work on it and I’ll sign up on Monday if I can’t figure it out. Thank you

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Hi Roberto,

I wanted to check your app out, but it asks for a password. Is there a demo that I can see to see if it’s what we are looking for?

Search House Points in the template store. It’s in there!

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Just sharing the House Points app that Robert created and mentioned above for you to find it easily!