Ability to associate comments to Glide Actions

Hello Gliders,
I was looking if Glide has the ability to associate comments to Glide Actions. In other words, a section to add comments about what the Action is doing. That section may live at the Action level or at an Action-branch level.
Such feature would help give a quick overview without the need to read an entire Action, especially for Actions created in a distant past. There are other platforms like Workato that carry similar features, and they become pretty handy when reviewing a larger number of Actions in a short time.

Notes through the builder (actions, columns, etc.) would be nice. It’s somewhere in the feature requests already.

My approach is to try to be clear with my naming conventions.

Good to know Nathanaelb!
By the way, correctly naming things like variables/columns/classes/interfaces can be one of the most challenging activity in coding.


  1. Choosing the tech stack: very long
  2. Developing a 47th widget by hand because the other 46 in the market won’t do for some reason: very long
  3. Developing a CMS internally for the marketing team, which has nothing to do with the core product: very long
  4. Naming variables: very long
  5. Actually coding: when we get to it

Luckily only 4. can truly put a business out of business🙂

Joking aside, a having a little system for naming columns and actions, but unfortunately for me, my system seems to be ever changing. I’m set on PascalCase, and even that doesn’t satisfy me truly.