I’ve been reading stuff from last year that unsupported html/css might break down the site… Can I still use it today? I have the business plan( 14 day trial) and I would like to use it to implement html and css code into my app.
It’s available on both Business and Enterprise plans, although the way it’s applied is very much different from the way it was done in Classic Apps.
Can you give some examples of the types of customisations that you’d be wanting to do?
I would like to use it mostly for the images i have in my google sheets tables. I have a column where I have many images(100+), and I would like to use css in a way that I can make carousels with the images in google sheets column, have it run infinitely automatically( no user interference). Then have multiple of these carousels so that I have multiple of the carousels in my page. There seems to be no clear step by step guides so it has been hard for me to get proper guidance.
Okay, I saw your earlier question related to this.
Do you have a visual representation of the sort of effect you want to get?
I dare say we can guide you to get pretty close to what you are after without needing any CSS.
didnt know how to post videos so I made a gif. Essentially what I am hoping for is that I create something like this above, but where the logos that shows are from the table column.
I sent a gif in the comment below, hopefully it helps.
Using the marquee
tag only gets me half way there since it stacks on top of each other, but I haven’t found a good way to do it outside going to Github and use a webview component.
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left" scrollamount="0.5" width="100%">
<img src="https://static.vecteezy.com/system/resources/previews/008/214/517/original/abstract-geometric-logo-or-infinity-line-logo-for-your-company-free-vector.jpg" alt="Logo 1" height="300" width="200">
<img src="https://99designs-blog.imgix.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Shell_logo.svg-e1659037248878.png?auto=format" height="300" width="200">
<img src="https://d1csarkz8obe9u.cloudfront.net/posterpreviews/business-logo-design-template-78655edda18bc1196ab28760f1535baa_screen.jpg?ts=1617645324" height="300" width="200">
Marquee is deprecated though. CSS animation is what’s recommended to be used now.
Yes, but I don’t know how to implement css to an array of images of a table.
The method above wouldn’t work well anyway, I think the safest way is to use a Github workaround and then display it in Glide using the web embed component, but only on Pro plan and above.
Okay thanks! What is github workaround? And I have the business plan for a 2 week trial, would my work that I did during this time go away after the trial ends?
It will go away unless you subscribe to a Pro or higher plan afterwards. The Github workaround would involve getting the relevant HTML and CSS into there, then deploy it in an Experimental Code column.
Shoot alright, I guess that I won’t be making this on Glide. Thanks
It currently states on the Glide Pricing page that Custom CSS is included with the Teams plan: Flexible Pricing Plans That Scale With Your Business | Glide
We are on the Teams plan but I can’t see it on our apps, is the information wrong or do I need to activate it somewhere?
Did you check under Appearance?