Hi all
Sorry if this has been asked already, but seeing some strange behavior (which 24 hours ago was not the case as there was no issue). I can’t account for this as everything seems to be setup correctly:
- I’m showing the edit record of a collections (Applicants)
- Within this page, I have another collection (Experiences), allowing the applicants to add experiences
- The add button in title is “Show Form Screen”
- The form screen has the right destination (Experiences).
- Row owners is set correctly, and there are no conditional visibility or filters set.
- Hitting submit does not create a new record
I’m thinking the issue is something to do with being able to the record somehow, because, if I change the Add button on the original page to just “Add Row” and default fill the row owner, then a new record appears. Any edits to that new record however are not updated.
I’m a bit stumped. Any ideas?
My underlying data is stored in Airtable.