🗓️ Simple Booking App Tutorial (No Double Bookings)

Same situation still applies, yes. Reserving the spot still happens locally, and has to sync back to Glide and then to all other users. So there will always be a small window of time where collisions can occur.
The busier the App, the more likely it is to happen.


Yep had a feeling that was the case, hence my comment at the end…

Interesting Idea delegating the the booking submission to Make though :face_with_monocle:

And @Eric_Penn thanks for clarifying. In that case, I’m not really sure how you’d block/reserve a spot someone has selected/claimed before submission… Seems like a bit of a tall order :sweat_smile:


Hi, tried the Simple Booking App please reffer to the screenshots though the array contains the date and time same as full selection the taken checkbox is not checked because of that I am
able to Book the same slot many times what can I do to correct this

Hi Marco I tried this simple booking app, but I am not able hide the already booked time, in the backend the taken column is not affecting, please refer to the below screenshots, Please help correcting this.

@Bhavana @madhu Your Full Selection doesn’t contain a comma, but the items in your All Bookings array do.

@Loqode , Thank you , that was silly mistake, didn’t notice it properly.

Hi, I have a column in a table in that I have lookup column but I have to show coachnames column its not showing while displaying the name

Is your lookup via the “UserRelation”? Check your “UserRelation” column… it needs to be a SINGLE relation for your lookups to display on screen properly.

Thank you ,Its Working

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@Darren_Murphy , @Loqode

I had missed your exchange. Thanks for this, it was very valuable. The repetition of these explanations in different use cases really helps grasp the topics.

Would you agree that the same is achieved when using a Global Settings table instead of the Users table, where this Global Settings table is the data source of every tab (and therefore every custom action)?

In effect, in your method you use the Users table as a Global Settings table. In Paris a few weeks ago, Oscar encouraged me to set up a Global Settings table instead of what I was doing, which was to create a dedicated single-row table per tab just as the data source.

Is there any plus of doing this though? I always build my tab level screens on top of the Users table, and helper screens on top of single row tables like Darren suggested.

Yeah, I remember Mark telling me about this a couple of years ago. I can see how it might keep things nicely organised, but I still prefer to keep this sort of stuff in the User Profile row as you can access it directly from anywhere in the App without doing anything extra.