Showing a special component between 2 dates (past and future)

I have 2 date columns to publish some news : “Start date” and “End date”.
In grey or white : past items (no display)
In yellow : items are displaying
In red : future items (no display)

Here is the configuration

The problem :
When the “End Date” pasted today, the items disapear and a message “No more news” is displaying (that’s ok)
When I program a new row with a future date (in red)
there are active items (in yellow) the message “No more news” is still displaying. (That’s because the system takes the last row to show the component).

How can I solve that ?

Try this:

  • Create an if-then-else column as follows:
    – If Start Date is after Today, then null (leave empty)
    – If End Date is before Today, then null
    – Else true
  • Then create a rollup column, target it at the if-then-else column and select “Count true”
  • Then change your visibility condition such that it only shows when the rollup is greater than zero.

Ho yes, that’s it !!!

In my case it has to be equal to 0

Thanks a lot :pray:

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