Hey guys, not sure if this solves the issue anyone is having… but I also wanted to be able to have more than 1 role at a time while still being able to set “And” instead of “Or” on the visibility conditions of a page.
Took me a while to come up with something, it may not work for every use case and can get a little complex if you have too many types of roles… I ended up creating multiple IFTTT columns inside of the users table that host 2 or more roles inside.
As an example,
These roles would = their access levels… Entry > Lead > Manager > Regional > Admin
If I wanted an Entry level to have access as well as their Team Lead, but still be able to add other necessary conditions… Instead of making a page visible by -Show If Role Is “Entry” Or, Role is “Lead”-, I would create 1 IFTTT column in the users table called “Entry + Lead”, add both roles, each equalling a value of “true” and else “false” at the bottom.
Since I created this from the Users Table, I now have a column with an “Access Level” that I can use anywhere in the app without compromising the security or control I have for each page. You can take this concept and multiply it using many, many combinations. I have 13 different “Access Levels” with only 5 Roles in play, been working like a charm.
With that, you can do things like…
Show if “Profile Complete” is Checked,
Current Status is “Active”
Access Level “Entry + Lead” is Checked
This gives access to BOTH roles without having to use the “Or” condition, not sure if this solves anyone’s problem, but I’m sure I’m not the only one who struggled with this… Hope it helps.
Totally forgot to mention this last part!
I have the Roles column selected as a Row Owner in addition to the name and email.