Preview product image based on selection form choice component

Yes viewing from a details screen and moving to another details screen. If I was moving to a form, I could carry forward the project name easily.

However I’m moving to another details screen and not a form because I want to be able to allow my users to preview their selected product before submitting their required qty for that particular product.

In the end, the app is supposed to use the chosen products/component to calculate items required per project so carrying the project forward is important.

Then I assume you can do a set column to the next screen’s sheet to carry that value forward?

Yes…but just to confirm, is there a way I can be certain that every submission in the new detail screen in that next sheet will correspond to the submission in the previous details screen so that as multiple users use the app their selected products will not be mismatched with their project names.

And many thanks for all your responses…

It’s very encouraging when you get assistance, only when you guys chip in will some of us see how simple some of our scenarios may really be, before that it’s nothing but complicated.

As long as you keep those columns user-specific you should be fine.

Ok great, I’ll do some testing as well to make sure that if a user has 2 different projects, for instance, he will not populate the wrong project with products of a different project.