New User, Need help navigating Glide to make a simple Merch App

I’m struggling to learn and navigate Glide. I’m trying to make a simple merch app. Willing to pay someone that can help me teach and build the app with me.

What features do you want to have for your app?

I wanted to have a merch app with coloring as well where user can use the coloring materials they finish as a merch.

Can you explain more about the coloring part? Do you mean they sell products with different types of coloring?

So the users can play a coloring game like the “happy color”. That game where you match the numbers with colors to a complete colored image. So, i wanna incorporate that with the merch where users can use the finished/colored images as a design for their merch.

I’m not familiar with that, but if you have built any parts of that stuff and get stuck, let us know here.