New to Glide! Trying to count the number of items in a stage

Hey guys,

I’m new to glide and I’ve come across a bit of a hurdle.

I have a column that shows what stage each customer is on the process. Stages are :

  • New
  • Working
  • Handover

I would like to create a big number text to show the number of leads that are under each of the above category. I’m checking tutorials but I couldn’t make it work.

Help would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

2 steps:

  • In the column where you have the stages, create a match multiple relation onto itself. This creates sub-tables of your table based on the data in that column.
  • Apply a rollup on that relation column you just built. You are counting the number of rows of each of your sub-tables.

Thank you so much for your help. I was able to create relation and rollup. How do I show each in a big number card? Maybe there’s a tutorial I can watch so I dont bother you too much?

Let me correct myself.

It depends on how you have your data structured, but here is one way I would do it.

  1. Create 2 tables: clients, stages. “Clients” is where you are gathering your data on your clients (name, stage). “Stages” is a short list of the stage you will be displaying as a dashboard.

Clients table: Name, Stage

Stages table: Name

  1. In your “Stages” table, relate the “Name” column to the “Stages” column in the “Clients” table, multiple match.

  2. Do a rollup count on this relation column.

  3. In the builder (I am assuming you are building in Pages), create a new page, source it to “Stages” table, and display the roll-up count using a collection, probably with a card layout.

Now, whenever a new client is added with one of the stages available, the count will increment. And whenever you add a stage to your “Stages” table, an element in your collection will be added. If you add a client with a stage that does not exist in your “Stages” table, then this stage (and therefore client within the counter) will be ignored. This is why when adding a client if you are using a form, I would use a choice component pointing to the “Stages” table.