Multi Filters using Relations: a new way đź’ˇ

Hola Eden!

My original idea was to create a kind of “SQL Query” inside Glide although the big troubles came from playing/working with parameters using an OR operator and AND operator at the same time (a hard challenge sometimes in GDE).

In the end, a Filter is almost a SQL Query when you try to narrow your useful data.

When I ended this idea, I evaluated if this had been a good solution ( a clever idea) or on the contrary, it might create more load/work for Glide (unnecessarily) due to use of template columns changing dynamically along with relations based on them.

To sum up: the endless dilemma between Efficiency vs. Effectiveness when our APP is using this method with a large amount of data: 15k or 20k+ rows :confused:

I don’t know at the end whether the best option is to load all data once and let Glide filter and discard values/rows automatically or create/use a dynamic relation to get a specific result always (my idea). Which process is better for Glide? … I don’t know yet

I read @Darren_Murphy and @Jeff_Hager discuss about this issue here and I agree with some points but I think the friends @Mark or @Jason can give us the final answer to have the best performance on our APPs always.

Have a nice weekend… feliz fin de semana!