Make First 2 Columns In A Table Static (Frozen)

I’ve gotten 1 column to be static, which is great, but I’m looking to freeze the first two columns in a table, while the other columns scroll horizontally. Any idea how to pull this off?

I don’t understand the question. For which use case do you need this functionality?

“Frozen” or sticky columns are very common for a spreadsheet-style table (Excel, Google Sheets, Smart Sheet, etc). This is used so a user, when scrolling horizontally across a table with many columns, can continuously see a row identifier (company name, date, etc) while cycling through the many other columns in the table. I was trying to accomplish this same thing in Glide.

Is this for a new table column, or something else?

if i understand you correctly: You can hide columns in the DataEditor or group them together for better overview., Eg.
When you click on that kind of grouped Columns, they collpase to a “small package”.