Lookup Multiple Values

When using select multiple in a choice component I’d like to lookup all the names associated to the underlying values being submitted.

So my flow is I have a choice component on a details screen where the display is a list of names and the values are pre-assigned UUIDS. If I use a split text column and then a relation match multiple I can see all the values I want but don’t know where to go from there. The end goal is to pass the values (both names and UUIDS) in the most elegant way through a webhook.

As it stands now I could submit my column holding the comma separated values through a webhook and that works for my purpose. But I also need all the names tied to those values, even if it was another comma separated list, that would work.

maybe a few screenshots will help to understand… I’m a little lost with your explanation…
template column will not help with it?


Hola Eric,

Here thinking fast:
1- Create a Template column using “UUID - Name” format in your “Names” table
2- Using the values saved by your Choice component (separated by comma, slash, etc) create a new array as a column. Let’s call it “UUID[ ]” column.
3- Create a multiple relation between “UUID[ ]” and your “UUID” column (belonging to “Names” table) and later a new Lookup Column Joined List to retrieve the “UUID - Name” values already created above.

This should be enough to get what you want… I think :innocent:



Hello gvalero,

I think this is exactly how I have it set up. When you say create a new array column am I correct to use a ‘split text’ column? (Forgive me I am new to using split text)

I like yours and @Uzo suggestion of using a template column in the Names table because I can paste them both together, so I’m doing that now,

But the problem is I still can’t figure out how to use that lookup column as a value in a webhook action. Could it be because it comes from a multiple relation? Perhaps I am overlooking something simple so I will keep at it.

Thank you both for your prompt replies.

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lookup works with single and multiple relations…you cannot use multiple lookups as a value … what exactly is the problem?
if you need multiple values in one cell… use if else columns to find related values and join them

Yes I can see the lookup is returning the correct values in the editor.

But I can’t find it here as a value that can be used in a webhook.

yes… because is multiple

Ok so how to create a comma separated list of my lookup values? Possible?

no, create a workaround for relation using IF-ELSE columns and JOIN column… it is a lot of work… but if I understand better your app, I can come up with some easy solution…
the main idea is to check if values are from the user or have specific criteria, isolate them and join…

Hmmm I want to try to avoid app bloat… this feature is something I want but don’t necessarily need.

Let me ask you, If you had a choice component (select multiple) on a details screen how would you submit both the ‘display as’ and the values in a webhook. I’m open to reorganizing my data a bit if it saves columns.

I’d probably build a collection of name=>value pairs, and wrap that up as a single JSON object, then send that through the webhook.

what is the format of your webhook?

That sounds like exactly what I’m looking for and also above my pay grade hehe. Do you have an example of a simple JSON being used? I will start doing my homework and run with your advice.

@Uzo you were right all along. I should just use the template column as the values in my choice component :man_facepalming: Then I could submit the comma separated list in the webhook… that will do just fine.

@Darren_Murphy thanks for jumping in. I will do some research on using JSON because I’m sure it will be useful.

I am humbled to have so many experts come to my help. Ty all.

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that was my first impression when reading your post, but you describe your problem in a very complicated way… so I got confused :wink:

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It’s pretty simple really, a bit like building an HTML table with several rows. You just have a template for each row, and then you combine them all together using another template.

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Thank you for the feedback. I will try to describe my problem better in the future… and maybe even attach some screenshots :wink:


let’s not get too carried away :rofl:


a picture is worth 1000 words…

I should have started here :point_up: I realize there are no such things as stupid questions but after re-reading, that one was pretty border line… haha

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