Looking for Business Partner Alliances to Build Apps for Newly Identified Business Solutions!

Great Opportunity to Partner with Global Turnaround Consultants who have served as Interim CEO/CFO of financially distressed businesses returning them to profitability. With over 25 years experience and ability to quickly identify solutions to improve productivity and profits for any size business, organization or social media group, it makes the most sense to focus on what we do best which is identifying mobile app business solutions above and beyond existing spreadsheets and partner with Glideapps builders!

I make Glideapps but I do not possess extensive technical experience to keep up with all the great new features then quickly make the app which is where this Community comes into play. I need to focus on creating business solutions for existing and new customers while you as a Business Partner Alliance build the apps according to predefined requirements. Your input and suggestions are greatly welcome as you are the build experts while my Team are the biz solutions experts :wink:

We’ll set up templates for the mobile app builds and offer a revenue share. There is a huge untapped market that needs our solutions to not only grow their business but to stay in business!

For your existing business customers, we can also perform a “Virtual Assessment” at no charge, that quickly identifies additional solutions to problems they were not aware of and recommend business control and growth improvements. Using Glideapps creates unlimited opportunities to help businesses prosper in a completely new way!

If interested, please respond to this post or message me privately @imorris
(Subject matter of this post approved by Glide)

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Ilene has a wealth of experience helping small businesses by implementing solutions similar to Glide. If you have a strong grasp on building Glide apps, this is an interesting opportunity to partner with someone with a strong business network.


My name is Sylvanus Edi. I am interested in learning more about Global Turnaround Consultants.
my email: sylv.m.edi@gmail.com