Loading AI Generate Text

Hello there,
I have a plan that I generate through Glide AI Generate Text and it takes a bit to load. How can I show a hint while it is loading? In the front-end I am showing the AI result column and I tried to show the hint while the column is empty but it won’t show. In the backend while the text is loading it has a loading indicator. What is the value to that?
Thank you!!

If you have an If-Then-Else column to check if the AI column value is empty or not, does it return the right state?

Hi @ThinhDinh

Does the above work?

I tried checking the state, but it gets in “loading” mode as well.


I guess that doesn’t work. Maybe you can add a column to count the text length for the AI result? I haven’t tried, probably that gets stuck in a loading state as well.

Yeah unfortunately that doesn’t work either, and I need a solution for this as well.

Is it possible to create a CSS that displays a component based on the visibility of another component? For example, could we add a Hint Box to indicate loading and ensure it’s visible only when the Rich Text Component (AI result) is not displayed on the screen?

Or maybe just let the app see an AI column as empty when the full response isn’t available…

It appears as loading

I will change my flow to address this


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