I’m brand new into glide.
I’m working on a form, and in the end, before submitting, I’m showing a recap of the information given.
With some if-then-else column, I also display, in a field component, the missing information.
I’d like to write “missing information” in red to catch attention about it but don’t know how to do it.
I 've tried to return an image, but hte image is too tiny to be read.
I’m thinking about using CSS or HTML as Markdown doesn’t allow to color text but I don’t find out how to do it.
Do I absolutely have to get a billed plan to use CSS style?
Can someone give me a hand to ravel out this issue?
Hope my first post isn’t an useless one already covered somewhere, but I didn’t find anything about this basic issue
Hi @Thibault_Mazur, an easy way to display red text is to use a text component and display as meta text.
Another way is to create a template column, input your HTML and use a rich text component to display it.
While trying it, I’m also understanding that rich text can display some HTML code, which wasn’t really clear for me when I read about Rich text on glide docs.
The text-align tag doesn’t seem to work very well but I’m pretty sure it is because I’m in a field component.
However, I thank you a lot for your instructive answer and for your time and wish you the greatest possible day !